Are you a Perfectly Imperfect Professional? Then Freaking Hurray for you (and me)!

Are you a Perfectly Imperfect Professional? Then Freaking Hurray for you (and me)!

Warning: If you expect a perfectly executed message, sunshine wrapped up in a rainbow, zero profanity, and impeccable sentence structure, then run quickly away as this imperfect blog post will likely disappoint or offend or both. I've got a rescue kitten perched on my belly currently who is playing with this keyboard and I'm not moving him...

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Thoughts on Incorporating your Private Practice

Thoughts on Incorporating your Private Practice

One of the topics that comes up frequently in my coaching sessions is if a therapist "should" incorporate their practice. There are pros and cons to incorporating a private practice. And there are laws and mandates within most states, including my state of California, that a licensed MFT, LCSW, and PhD must adhere to. The following information is provided as a non-expert overview on this complex topic of private practice...

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15 Solid Private Practice Tips to Grow your Business

15 Solid Private Practice Tips to Grow your Business

In a sea of private practice blogs, Mari has created a free extensive blog guide outlining fifteen practical, no bullshit, and important steps to growing your business. This comprehensive information can be immediately applied and is offered as a support for therapists who are interested in building a successful and profitable private practice...

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10 Important Tips for Creating a Therapy Support Group

10 Important Tips for Creating a Therapy Support Group

Creating and launching your first therapy group is a challenge to even the most seasoned clinician. One of the top questions I receive is, "Mari, I want to start a group, but I am worried I won't fill it. I've never done group do I even begin?" I answer the top questions here and offer 10 solid tips on first important steps...

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Professional Hypocrisy: A Tough Topic that Therapists don't want to Discuss

Professional Hypocrisy: A Tough Topic that Therapists don't want to Discuss

Professional hypocrisy among therapists happens more that you might expect. And, it is a topic that comes up with my coaching clients more than I would have anticipated. Coaching clients sometimes share with me that part of their fear of moving forward in building their private practice is because of professional trauma and hurt due to another therapist, supervisor, colleague, organization, or coach (s). Their trust has been broken, their confidence undermined, or they fear retaliation...

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Extroverts vs. Introverts: Is One Better than the Other?

Extroverts vs. Introverts: Is One Better than the Other?

I've been seeing a lot of memes and graphics floating around social media on introverts the last few weeks. What I find most interesting about this recent trend are the heated comments that follow these posts. Some introverts on these threads share feeling highly misunderstood, while the extroverts share that they are feeling labeled as pushy insensitive assholes...

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Boundary Basics 101

Boundary Basics 101

One of the topics I am often asked to write and speak on is healthy personal and professional boundaries and ethics. It is one of the most important topics I teach to my clinical clients and the therapists I supervise.  However, the topic of boundaries is often misunderstood by folks, even therapists seem confused at times. My "Mari-ism" or golden rules on boundaries have to do with thinking that other people are responsible for our boundaries. Are you a boundary buster? Or do you bust others unfairly for crossing your boundaries?

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The Importance of Creating Passive Income Streams

The Importance of Creating Passive Income Streams

Creating successful passive and leveraged income streams may sound daunting or mysterious, but I promise you that any one with a good idea and the willingness to learn and dig in can do this! If you have have been procrastinating on writing your book, e-book, or creating a group, retreat or workshop, here is a secret: any therapist, not just the tech savvy, the writing wizards, or the creative geniuses, can develop at least one additional income stream with clear information, supported direction, encouragement, and tools...

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Blog Rule 1: Don't follow BullShit Rules.

Blog Rule 1: Don't follow BullShit Rules.

This year I decided to try something different. Instead of saying fuck it to blogging, what if I just tossed out the stupid rules for-ev-er. No matter what those self proclaimed nit picky "blog experts" had to say, I wasn't buying what they were selling. It was time to step out of the herd mentality and create my own blog that felt true to me. Can you relate? Well read on fellow tribes person, read on...

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Weekly Blogs, Brain Fogs, and Time Hogs...Oh My!

Weekly Blogs, Brain Fogs, and Time Hogs...Oh My!

Does sitting down and writing the suggested twice weekly blog post feel overwhelming? My coaching clients often share, "Mari, I sit down to write my blog, and my brain fogs up...I feel blocked." or, "Writing a blog each week feels like a time hog - I have other things to focus on too!" I feel you fellow therapists and bloggers!  Just like you, I juggle many roles. We CAN blog like a boss, and it doesn't have to suck our energy dry. Here are my best super speedy tips for a fun blog relationship that lifts up your energy vs. another time suck in your day...

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Leaning into Risk....One Pinky at a Time

Leaning into Risk....One Pinky at a Time

I have had the honor of speaking and teaching on various topics (resiliency, sex addiction, betrayal, practice building, writing, connection) to wonderful audiences and good hearted groups of people all over the country. One of the concepts I often discuss is what I call, "living and loving with open palms." I think about it this way:

If I live and I love holding all of what I have tightly in my fisted is true that nothing will escape - not my knowledge, or support, or information, not my time, not my love, nor my money, or my opportunities...nada will slip away from my tight grasp, nothing is lost, zip is risked.

But nothing gets in either. 

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Group Shaming: Are you part of an Online Tribe or Herd?

Group Shaming: Are you part of an Online Tribe or Herd?

Do you know the difference?

I've been a part of both before. And I now recognize the difference. What about you?

Healthy Tribes:

Allow for unique voices and different approaches. While there are professional boundaries and a code of conduct, no one "owns" the leadership or authority, there are many opinions and ideas, each worthwhile and valued. No one is threatened by the other's success. Sincerity and transparency is celebrated...

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