Information and Helpful Links for Therapists Who Want to Opt Out of Medicare

Information and Helpful Links for Therapists Who Want to Opt Out of Medicare

Are you a therapist who is trying to navigate the new Medicare law effective as of January 1, 2024? If you are scratching your head on the how to opt out (if that is what you want to do), Mari Lee has outlined the steps with helpful links and information to help you manage this important process…

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Supporting and Fostering Ethical Conduct Among Mental Health Professionals

Supporting and Fostering Ethical Conduct Among Mental Health Professionals

Ethical behavior among mental health professionals is essential for maintaining the trust and integrity of the therapeutic community. By adhering to principles such as avoiding plagiarism, refraining from gossip, and respecting boundaries, therapists can foster a culture of professionalism, respect, and inclusivity within the field. Upholding ethical standards not only benefits the profession but also ultimately enhances the well-being of the clients we serve.

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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools Can Benefit Therapists and Mental Health Professionals

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools Can Benefit Therapists and Mental Health Professionals

Therapists in private practice can benefit from AI in numerous ways. The good news is that you don’t need to be a tech wizard to use AI, anyone can learn! Here are some simple tips and suggestions for mental health professionals and small business owners who would like to learn first steps in using AI in their therapy or healing practice.

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Mindfulness Blog: "Being" the New Year

Mindfulness Blog: "Being" the New Year

2023 has rolled in and with it comes strident messages prodding us toward goals for a "new year and a new and improved you!" My gentle reminder, it is 100% OK to ease into a new year, no matter what anyone else may be doing. No matter when you celebrate the new year, your unique pace, slow or fast, small or large, imperfect or structured, is completely fine.

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So Your Loved One is a Therapist or Counselor in Private Practice...

So Your Loved One is a Therapist or Counselor in Private Practice...

29 diverse therapists in private practice open up and share about their challenges in the clinical field, what they wish their spouses, partners, friends and loved ones understood, along with tips on how to avoid burn out, compassion fatigue, and disillusionment, as well as how to create balance, deal with chronic illness as a therapist, and juggle the risks and responsibilities in working in the exciting, challenging, complex and rewarding world of mental health.

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